I'm now actually in dilemma, whether to pursue my career in accounting related field or start my own business...as you all know, to work in some organization means you got to work for somebody else...thereon you will involve in so many issues which you wish you don't want to deal with, like the source of the money (halal or non-halal, involvement with riba will then spark a big question mark), your scope of work etc. Well, if you start doing business, at least you are trying to follow the footstep of Prophet Muhammad SAW...he was a successful trader where he run the business of Siti Khadijah, a successful businesswoman at that time...I don't deny the fact that thousands challanges and barriers to be faced once you decided to venture into business, but it is rewarding, believe me and you eyes...insyaALLAH, may ALLAH grant my wish...eh, what is my decision just now? hmm, not yet decided..need opinion...
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